A to Z World Languages. Inc, 406 South 2nd Avenue #201, Sioux Falls, SD, 57104-5015, others miscellaneous retail

U.S Business services South Dakota Business services South Dakota - List of United States Business services

A to Z World Languages. Inc

Company Name: A to Z World Languages. Inc
Status: Active
State: South Dakota
Post: 57104-5015
County: Minnehaha
City: Sioux Falls
Address: 406 South 2nd Avenue #201
Phone: (605)275-6565
Fax: (605)275-6232
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Mohammed Al-Ostaz
Web site: http://www.atozworldlanguages.com
SIC code: 738920 Industry group: Business services, Business category: Business services, Subcategory: Others Miscellaneous Retail
Employees: 50
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 4,700,000
Overall: A to Z World Languages. Inc is a business categorized under business services, which is part of the larger category business services. A to Z World Languages. Inc is located at the address 406 South 2nd Avenue #201 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57104-5015. The Owner is Mohammed Al-Ostaz who can be contacted at (605)275-6565.
  • Translator
  • Deaf service
In summary:
  • Easy communication and kind person.
  • Friendly workers and nice side job.
Recommended: Yes: 0 No: 0Click here to Inform about a mistake 28 Rating:

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Name: J.A.
Message: Super excellent. Easy communication and kind person. I have been working with this translation company for many years and I can say that they meet every one of my requirements. They are always attentive to provide the best service and the best translation, respecting the delivery deadlines and respecting the formats of each document to be translated. Truly, if you expect to work with a translation team that is prepared, organized and at an excellent price, I highly recommend these guys who will undoubtedly provide you with the best experience. Undoubtedly the best translation team, 100% quality and 100% human translations without the use of software.
Name: N.A.
Message: Nice and friendly business.
Name: B.B.
Message: Friendly workers and nice side job.
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